Overworking and how to not lose your mind

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Hi friends,

An ever-increasing number of you have expressed feeling overwhelmed by your tasks and daily responsibilities. Couple that with caring for basic needs(which all take time) and you have a recipe for disaster.

Here’s what can be said about that:

73 years. That’s how much time we get if we’re lucky.

73 winters, 73 springs, 73 summers and 73 autumns.

When you look at it this way, it doesn’t seem like a long time, does it?

When you look at it this way, some of that work that you felt so pressed to do suddenly doesn’t seem so pressing.

Don’t waste your time. Don't get caught up in the unimportant things that don't matter in the long run.

Overworking can make us lose sight of the present. Our minds are constantly racing, thinking about past failures or future anxieties. But the past is gone and the future is not yet here. The only thing we have is the present. If we want to be happy, we need to learn to be grateful for the present moment.

But how to be happy when you have so many things to do?

Take one task at a time. Give your undivided attention to what’s in front of you. By doing that, you allow yourself to truly be present and practice a balanced life.

Core Principles for a Balanced Life:

  1. Let go of negativity

Negative thoughts and emotions can be toxic to our happiness. Being angry and overworked makes it difficult to enjoy life. Learn to let go of negative emotions and focus on the positive. Remember, our brains cannot respond to stress and gratitude at the same time. Choose the state you want to be in.

  1. Be happy with what you have

The arrival fallacy is a trap that many people fall into. Research has shown that people who are constantly striving for more are less happy than those who are content with what they have. This is because the more we want, the more we will always want. And the more we want, the more likely we are to burn out and be disappointed.

  1. Respond, don’t react

Life is full of ups and downs. There will be times when things go our way, and there will be times when they don't. But the important thing is how we react to these events. We can't control what happens to us, but we can control how we respond. Overworking often stems from trying to control everything.

Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome, faced countless challenges like the plague, wars and numerous personal losses. Despite all of this, he remained a wise and just ruler. He practiced Stoicism, a philosophy that teaches us to accept what we cannot change and to focus on what is within our control.

  1. Seek purpose, not productivity

A purpose is like a compass. When we have a sense of purpose, we know where we are going, and we are more likely to go happily. Without purpose, we are stuck in an never-ending stream of tasks never feeling truly fulfilled. There are many ways to find your compass. Some find it through work, while others find it through their relationships, hobbies or spiritual beliefs.

  1. Balance mind, body and spirit

Our physical, mental, and spiritual health are all connected. When one area is out of balance, it can affect the others. That's why it's important to live in a balanced way, taking care of all three areas of our health. This means eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. Always remember that achieving balance is not something that we can do once and for all, but something that we constantly strive for.

“Life is about the journey, not the destination”

A wise person

Given that, I ask you to:

  • Seek deeper meanings.

  • Reconnect with what truly matters to you

  • Love more profoundly.

  • Embrace risks.

  • Truly live, not just exist.

  • Prioritise moments with loved ones.


73 winters, 73 springs, 73 summers and 73 autumns.

Until next Sunday,

Alin George

Sending a warm welcome to the 796 others who joined this past week!

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